Friday, January 13, 2012

Cherish Your Friends Now

Tom Murchison died last Saturday, January 7, 2012.  He was a mentor of mine, incredibly well-read, and a gentle soul.  He was a truly honest man; he exuded integrity.  When I first began to write novels and screenplays, he was encouraging and enthusiastic, urging me on.  When he finished reading my first published novel, he told me it was "riveting."  I remember that conversation like it was yesterday.  He was generous with his time--I wish I had shared more of it.  Too late, now. He did leave a poem for his friends.  I'm keeping it in a place that's handy.  It's a long piece, but simple and enduring.  Here's one stanza:
"Consider the lowly ant, which has in its vocabulary, no word for can't. 
Does it contemplate like us?  I doubt it.  It is too busy, I suppose, being an ant."
Spend times with your friends.  Do it now.